CAT.NET CTP 與AntiXSS v3 beta

微軟 Security Team 公告推出 CAT.NET CTP 與 AntiXSS v3 beta。
AntiXSS 函式庫主要應用在 ASP.Net 應用程式上,用來預防 XSS 攻擊;而 CAT.NET 則是用來分析你的應用程式,看看你的 ASP.Net 應用程式裡是否有什麼漏洞,可能會讓人入侵。

Anti-XSS v3 BETA includes performance improvements, localization enhancement as well as a Security Runtime Engine (SRE) that uses an HTTP module to provide a level of protection against XSS for your application without the need to rebuild your code. CAT.NET v1 CTP is a binary analysis tool that can be used by developers to identify some common vulnerabilities that can lead to attack vectors such as XSS, SQL Injection and XPath Injection in your code.


The Security Development Lifecycle : Announcing CAT.NET CTP and AntiXSS v3 beta



