CoolStorage.NET 是一個 .Net 2.0 的 Object Relational Mapping 函式庫。
市面上其實已經有很多 ORM 函式庫了,跟他們比起來,CoolStorage.NET 號稱不需要作大量的型態轉換與設定,同時盡量讓 programmer 能以直覺的方式來進行 coding。
市面上其實已經有很多 ORM 函式庫了,跟他們比起來,CoolStorage.NET 號稱不需要作大量的型態轉換與設定,同時盡量讓 programmer 能以直覺的方式來進行 coding。
- Supports SQL Server 2000/2005, MySQL, IBM DB2, SQLite, MS Access
- Any existing relational data model can be mapped to CoolStorage objects with minimal effort
- All relation types are supported: One-To-One, One-To-Many, Many-To-One and Many-To-Many
- Completely typed object model (no type casts required)
- Full support for transactions, including .NET 2.0 TransactionScope
- Nullable columns can be mapped to .NET 2.0 nullable fields or any other value
- Delayed (lazy) loading of data to minimize database access
- Powerful and intuitive database-independent object query language
- Flexible event framework to intercept any event
- Identity (auto-increment) keys are supported for all database types
- Support for server and client generated Guid keys
- Sessionless data access
- Objects can be mapped to different databases, even across object relations
- Pageable object collections
- Extensive support for retrieving aggregate values on collections (count, sum, average, ...)
- Collections implement IBindingList so they can be used by controls (grids) as a data source
- Underlying database engine uses optimized and parameterized SQL queries. SQL injection is impossible
- Built specifically for .NET 2.0, taking full advantage of generics and nullable variables
- Raw SQL and/or stored procedures can be called on the underlying database without the need for a separate database connection
- Small footprint (less than 150 KB)