FxCop 1.36 Beta 釋出!
1.36 Beta 釋出啦~請看這裡:The Visual Studio Code Analysis Team Blog : FxCop 1.36 Beta Released!
- 200+ bug fixes that reduce noise, missing analysis and rule crashes(每一版都一定會有的)
- Support for analyzing anonymous methods and lambda expressions(針對 c# 3.0 新增的檢查項目)
- New option for skipping analysis over tool generated code
- Turn this on in the UI via Project -> Options -> Spelling & Analysis -> Suppress analysis results against generated code
- Turn this on in the command-line via /ignoregeneratedcode switch.
- Better support for C++/CLI and the Compact Framework(針對 C++/CLI 與 Compact framework 加強)
- Language 'friendly' API names in the UI and resolutions (ie Visual Basic syntax if running over a Visual Basic binary)
- New globalization, design and usage rules
- Performance improvements that cut analysis by 2x and use half as much memory(有更好的效能並能以更少的記憶體來執行)
- Documentation that is now available on MSDN(文件納入了 MSDN )