Mono c# 3.0 進度

前幾天在 Mailing Lists 上有人問到目前 c# 3.0 在 Mono 上的實做狀況以及該怎麼弄,後來Mono team就提出回答了~

Some features like
* extension methods,
* automatically generated properties,
* implicitly typed arrays,
* implicitly typed local variables,
* lambda expressions
will be included in the upcoming release 1.2.5 and remaining features should

Yes, you have to use -langversion:linq to enable C# 3.0 features. This is temporary
and 3.0 will become default option when we finish all features and the code will be robust enough.

(簡單翻譯一下,在下一版的 1.2.5已經有包含部份功能了。要打開的話,可以在編譯時加上 /langversion:linq 來打開。)

隨後沒多久,Miguel也貼出了 c# 3.0 的進度:Progress on C# 3.0 - Miguel de Icaza



