官方網頁: Common Compiler Infrastructure - Metadata The Microsoft Research Common Compiler Infrastructure (CCI) is a set of components (libraries) that provide some of the functionality that compilers and related programming tools tend to have in common. The metadata components provide functionality for reading, writing and manipulating Microsoft Common Language Runtime (CLR) assemblies and debug files. The functionality provided by these components subsumes the functionality provided by System.Reflection and System.Reflection.Emit. 從簡介看起來,我猜可能像是 Mono.Cecil 一樣,可以直接操作 Assembly,不過或許不是也不一定~ 消息來源: 微软公布CCI工具源代码 并加入开源许可中_Microsoft 微软_cnBeta.COM Kirill Osenkov : Common Compiler Infrastructure released on CodePlex 補充 從對岸朋友的文章: 类型的可见性,System.Reflection与Mono.Cecil的差异 - Script Ahead, Code Behind - JavaEye技术网站 与Mono.Cecil类似的项目 看來,我應該是沒猜錯~