
目前顯示的是 11月, 2008的文章

實作 diff (Longest Common Subsequence) 演算法的函式庫

今天看到這篇文章: Longest Common Subsequence - Diff Algortithm in C# at Alexandre Gomes 裡面介紹了 diff (longest common subsequence) 演算法,並且附上一個簡單的 c# 實作。 在後面的留言裡,更看到有人貼出了相關函式庫實作的網址: Diff/Merge/Patch Library for C#/.NET Menees Software 想研究或利用這個演算法的人可以參考看看。


Quartz.NET 移植自 Java 的工作排程框架: Quartz ,全部以 C# 實作。 它可以用來建立複雜的排程,以執行你繁多的工作。 看來主要還是以企業使用為主。 Quartz is a full-featured, open source job scheduling system that can be integrated with, or used along side virtually any J2EE or J2SE application - from the smallest stand-alone application to the largest e-commerce system. Quartz can be used to create simple or complex schedules for executing tens, hundreds, or even tens-of-thousands of jobs; jobs whose tasks are defined as standard Java components or EJBs. The Quartz Scheduler includes many enterprise-class features, such as JTA transactions and clustering. 官方網站: Quartz.NET - Enterprise Job Scheduler for .NET Platform 消息來源: Quartz.NET 1.0正式发布_Microsoft .NET_cnBeta.COM Quartz.NET 1.0正式发布 - 博客园IT新闻

Small Basic

微軟回頭從新做了一個簡單版的 BASIC,說是要給小朋友練習寫程式用的。 不過,這會不會吸引了以前用 VB 的人,反而成了 VB.Net 的絆腳石呢? 官方網頁: Small Basic 消息來源: Small Basic - 一款针对儿童的免费编程语言

CodeRush Xpress

一個可以在 Visual studio 2008 使用的外掛,提供了許多不錯的功能,免費! 消息來源: Gold Coast : Free Coding Assistance Add-in for Visual Studio Developers 。 “Supported Features CodeRush Xpress includes the following features. * Duplicate Line * Highlight All References * Increase or Reduce Selection * Smart Clipboard Operations * Generate from Using (TDD) * Quick Navigation Window * Quick File Navigation In addition, you receive the following refactorings. … Add Block Delimiters, Combine Conditionals, Compress to Lambda Expression, Compress to Ternary Expression, Convert to Auto-implemented Property, Convert to Initializer, Create Backing Store, Decompose Initializer, Decompose Parameter, Expand Lambda Expression, Expand Ternary Expression, Extract Method, Flatten Conditional Inline, Delegate Inline Temp, Introduce Local Make Explicit Make Implicit, Move Type to File, Name Anonymous Method, Name Anonymous Type, Reverse Conditional, Split Conditional, Use String.Format, Use StringBui...