如果說 Visual Studio / SharpDevelop 是 Windows 上最佳 .Net 開發工具的話,那麼 MonoDevelop 就是 Linux 上最佳的 .Net 開發工具了。 這兩天才剛剛釋出 0.14 版( 新聞稿 ),參看 Release notes 以後,發現有蠻多新功能的,這邊摘錄如下: Improved Toolbox and Properties pad Subversion add-in:可以方便的利用 Subversion 作版本控制 Refactory operations New Open Solution File Dialog Class and member selectors:比較容易選,而不用翻頁翻的要死 Improved Smart Indenting for C# Project export/conversion:便於讓你把 Visual Studio 專案搬到 Linux 上 New packaging features Desktop Integration:主要是便於建立桌面捷徑 Improved New Project Dialog Navigation toolbar New features in the GTK# designer 同時,開發者之一的 Lluis Sanchez Gual 也宣示了 下一版的目標 : So, what's next? There are several features we plan to work on for the next two releases: configurable key bindings, improved ASP.NET support, improved makefile integration, C/C++ projects support, debugger integration (the last two from Google SoC projects), and others. A lot of work to do, but I hope we can finish all this in the following three months and then do a code freeze for t...